Overall Satisfaction

1. Would you recommend the Center for Nanoscale Materials to colleagues?

2. Which of these factored into your decision to conduct research at the Center for Nanoscale Materials? (select all that apply)


3. What was the subject of your use of the facility this year?

4. How do you intend on communicating the knowledge gained at this facility?

Please describe the other ways you plan on communicating your results

5. What benefits did you gain at this facility?(choose all that apply)

Please describe the other benefits you gained from this facility


6. How satisfied were you with the portion of the year that the facility operates?

Please provide comments on your score of 1 or 2:

7. How satisfied were you with the schedule or service (i.e., was the time or service delivered on schedule and was downtime kept to a minimum)?

Please provide comments on your score of 1 or 2:

8. How satisfied were you with the performance (i.e., was the instrument or service maintained close to specifications)?

Please provide comments on your score of 1 or 2:

9. What would you like this facility to do differently?

10. Are there any areas of the Center for Nanoscale Materials User Program that you found particularly helpful or would like to see expanded?

11. How satisfied were you with the support provided by the facility administrative and operations staff?

Please provide comments on your score of 1 or 2:

12. How satisfied were you with the support provided by the scientific and technical staff?

Please provide comments on your score of 1 or 2:

13. Which individual(s) made your experience at the Center for Nanoscale Materials a positive one? Please let us know who and how.

14. Are the training and safety procedures appropriate?

If not, how would you change them?


15. How did you hear about the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM)? (select all that apply)

What other way did you hear about the CNM?

16. Other comments